April 23rd’s Daily Cheer

Every day we are becoming more like our thoughts. If they are mean and selfish, we cannot prevent ourselves from becoming so. If they are unclean and evil, our character and conduct will inevitably be shaped by them. It is true that “as a man thinketh in his heart so is he.”
As Charles Kingsley says, “Think about yourself, about what you want, what you like, what respect people ought to pay you, and then to you nothing will be pure. You will spoil everything you touch, you will make sin and misery out of everything which God sends you, you will be wretched as you choose, om earth or in heaven either.”
And on the other hand, loving thoughts will produce loving acts, and the generous, kindly way of regarding others in our own minds will bring to us a generous, kindly treatment of them in daily life.
-Robert E. Speer.


Our many deeds, and the thoughts we have thought,
They go out from us thronging ever hour,
And in all of them us a folded up power
That on earth moves them to and fro
And mighty are the marvels they have wrought
In hearts we know not and may never know.
-F.W. Faber.

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